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About Maggie

Maggie McGinity (b. 1992) aims to write music that is contemporary, yet accessible to a wide range of audiences. She recently earned a Master of Music degree in Composition from Central Michigan University (CMU), where she studied with Dr. Evan Ware. She has a Bachelor of Music in Flute Performance from Iowa State University, where she studied with Dr. Sonja Giles. She draws on her two decades of performance experience to inform and inspire her compositions. Ms. McGinity won the 2019 CMU ACDA chapter’s choral composition competition for her SATB work “I Have No Words,” and received an Honorable Mention in the 2019 CMU School of Music Annual Composition Competition for her work “The New Medusa” for SATB choir. Her music has been performed in California, Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, and New York City, with an upcoming performance in Columbus, OH. Her works have been read by the ÆPEX Ensemble and Akropolis Reed Quintet at the Spring 2019 and Fall 2019 CMU New Music Symposiums respectively. Recently she attended the 2020 Online Summer Composition Workshop with Jenni Brandon, The Walden School 2019 Creative Musicians Retreat, the 2019 Summer Composition Intensive at Saint Mary’s College, and the 2019 CORO Composer’s Intensive.